How To: Setup Virtual Android 4.4-r3


Set Up Virtual Android 4.4-r3 on VirtualBox.

1.1) Download android-x86-4.4-r3.iso image file from (411MB). Create a new Virtual OS and install Android from this ISO image.
1.1.1) Create a New Virtual OS.
Name: Android44r3
Type: Linux
Version: Other Linux (32-bit)
1.1.2) Set Memory Size to 1024MB
1.1.3) Set a New Hard Disk Size to 8GB
1.1.4) Set Hard Disk Type as VDI
1.1.5) Set Physical Dish Type as Dynamically Allocated
1.1.6) Set Hard Disk Location (accept default)
1.1.7) Set CD Drive pointing to the ISO image.
1.1.8) Start your Virtual OS.

1.2) Download Android_x86_4.4-r3.7z ova file from (357MB). Import this file through menu File/Import Appliance. This is easier than Step 1.1 because you are importing a complete virtual system into VirtualBox.
Note: You may need to download a 7zip archiver program or keka (for Mac OSX) from in order to unzip the ova file.

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