01. Functions01.1 Why Use Functions?01.2 Coding Functions01.3 A First Example: Definitions and Calls01.4 A Second Example: Intersecting Sequences02. Scopes and Arguments02.1 Scope Rules02.2 The global Statement02.3 Scopes and Nested Functions02.4 Passing Arguments02.5 Special Argument Matching Modes03. Advanced Function Topics03.1 Anonymous Functions: lambda03.2 Applying Functions to Arguments03.3 Mapping Functions Over Sequences03.4 Functional Programming Tools03.5 List Comprehensions03.6 Generators and Iterators03.7 Function Design Concepts03.8 Function - Miscellaneous04. Modules04.1 Why Use Modules?04.2 Python Program Architecture04.3 How Imports Work05. Module Coding Basics05.1 Module Creation05.2 Module Usage05.3 Module Namespaces05.4 Reloading Modules06. Module Packages06.1 Package Import Basics06.2 Package Import Example06.3 Why Use Package Imports?06.4 A Tale of Three Systems07. Advanced Module Topics07.1 Data Hiding in Modules07.2 Enabling Future Language Features07.3 Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__07.4 Changing the Module Search Path07.5 The import as Extension07.6 Module Design Concepts07.7 Module - Miscellaneous08. OOP08.1 Why Use Classes?08.2 OOP Overview09. Class Coding Basics09.1 Classes Generate Multiple Instance Objects09.2 Classes Are Customized by Inheritance09.3 Classes Can Intercept Python Operators10. Class Coding Details10.1 The Class Statement10.2 Methods10.3 Inheritance10.4 Operator Overloading10.5 Namespaces: The Whole Story11. Designing with Classes11.1 Python and OOP11.2 Classes as Records11.3 OOP and Inheritance: is-a Relationships11.4 OOP and Composition: has-a Relationships11.5 OOP and Delegation11.6 Multiple Inheritance11.7 Classes Are Objects: Generic Object Factories11.8 Methods Are Objects: Bound or Unbound11.9 Documentation Strings Revisited11.10 Classes Versus Modules12. Advanced Class Topics12.1 Extending Built-in Types12.2 Pseudo-Private Class Attributes12.3 New Style Classes12.4 Class - Miscellaneous12.5 Part VI Exercises13. Exception Basics13.1 Why Use Exceptions?13.2 Exception Handling: The Short Story13.3 The tryexceptelse Statement13.4 The tryfinally Statement13.5 The raise Statement13.6 The assert Statement14. Exception Objects14.1 String-Based Exceptions14.2 Class-Based Exceptions14.3 General raise Statement Forms15. Designing with Exceptions15.1 Nesting Exception Handlers15.2 Exception Idioms15.3 Exception Design Tips15.4 Exception - Miscellaneous15.5 Core Language Summary