Where To Find New App Ideas?


The websites below are listed according to their general popularity based on Alexa Website Ranking system (as at July 2015). It doesn't mean that the content of a particular website is better than the rest below its rank.

1) https://www.google.com/ideas/projects (Alexa Global Ranking no. 1)

2) http://research.microsoft.com/en-us (Alexa Global Ranking no. 47)

3) http://area51.stackexchange.com (Alexa Glocal Ranking no. 163)

4) https://www.kickstarter.com (Alexa Global Ranking no. 366)

5) http://techcrunch.com (Alexa Global Ranking no. 469)

6) http://www.media.mit.edu (Alexa Global Ranking no. 889)

7) http://www.producthunt.com (Alexa Global Ranking no. 4,856)

8) http://www.ideaswatch.com (Alexa Global Ranking no. 72,067)

9) https://istart.org (Alexa Global Ranking n0. 307,250)

10) http://www.kickoffboost.com/ (Alexa Global Ranking no. 1,040,489)

11) http://realproblemhunt.com/ (Alexa Global Ranking no. 2,977,754)


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