Crystal Report 2013-Adding Report Title

Crystal Report 2013 Adding Report Title

1) Report Title under Special Fields in the Field Explorer

1.1) Find an item Special Fields in the Field Explorer
1.2) Find the Report Title item.

2) Set Report Title

2.1) Go to menu. Select File/Summary Info.
2.2 Enter details as follows.

3) Add Report Title to the report

3.1) Drag Report Title field to the top left corner in the Report Header Section
3.2) Print Preview.

4) Edit Report Title object

4.1) Resize the object so that the size fits the width of the report.
4.2) Set the format as follows. (Text Colore=Maroon).
4.3) Print Preview
4.4) Try changing the Font Size to 18pt. Resize the object so that the whole text is visible on the form.

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